UUIDstring | UUID of this MPC object. |
Account Idstring | Account/subaccount associated with the MPC. |
Subaccount Idstring | Subaccount associated with the MPC. |
Creation Timetimestamp | Date and time at which the MPC was created in the account. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss+|-hh:mm |
Start Timetimestamp | Timestamp of when this MPC was started. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss+|-hh:mm |
End Timetimestamp | Timestamp of when this MPC ended. YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss+|-hh:mm This value is null if the MPC has not ended. |
Friendly Namestring | Name given to this MPC by the user.This name must be unique for the account across all live MPCs. |
Statusstring | Current status of the MPC. Possible values are: - Initialized: The MPC has been initialized. - Active: Participants have joined the MPC and the MPC has started. - Ended: The MPC has ended. |
Max Participantsstring | Maximum number of participants that can be part of an MPC at any given time. |
Max Durationstring | Maximum period (in seconds) for which this MPC can run. Max Duration is counted from the call initiation time. |
Stay Aloneboolean | Whether any participant can remain alone in the MPC. |
Durationstring | Total duration of the MPC.This value is null if the MPC has not ended. |
Wait Music URLstring | Music that should be played for waiting participants if the MPC has not yet started. |
Wait Music Methodstring | HTTP verb that should be used to invoke the URL configured as wait_music_url. |
Agent Hold Music URLstring | Hold music that should be played to participants that have the role Agent when they’re on hold. |
Agent Hold Music Methodstring | HTTP verb that should be used to invoke the URL configured as agent_hold_music_url. |
Customer Hold Music URLstring | Hold music that should be played to participants that have the role Customer when they’re on hold. |
Customer Hold Music Methodstring | HTTP verb that should be used to invoke the URL configured as customer_hold_music_url. |
Durationstring | Total duration in seconds of the MPC from start to end. This value is null if the MPC has not ended.billed duration |
Billed Durationstring | Duration in seconds for which all participants in the MPC were billed. This value is null if the MPC has not ended. |
Billed Amountstring | Amount charged for this call for all participants, in USD. This value is null if the MPC has not ended. |
Termination Causestring | The reason for the MPC termination. Refer to this page for a comprehensive list of termination causes and sources. |
Termination Cause Codestring | A unique integer code for the termination cause. Refer to this page for a comprehensive list of hangup causes and sources. |
Participantsstring | URL pointing to the list of participants associated with this MPC. |
"billed_amount": null,
"billed_duration": null,
"creation_time": "2020-12-24 09:20:03+00:00",
"duration": null,
"end_time": null,
"friendly_name": "test_mpc",
"mpc_uuid": "8742d531-292a-46aa-8754-836be1092885",
"participants": "/v1/Account/MAOTE1OWE0MDK0MTLHYW/MultiPartyCall/name_test_mpc/Participant/",
"recording": "not-recording",
"resource_uri": "/v1/Account/MAOTE1OWE0MDK0MTLHYW/MultiPartyCall/name_test_mpc/",
"start_time": "2020-12-24 09:20:03+00:00",
"status": "Active",
"stay_alone": false,
"sub_account": null,
"termination_cause": null,
"termination_cause_code": null