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The Zentrunk Call object

A Zentrunk object is created when an outbound call is initiated or when an inbound call is received. You can use the Call object to retrieve details about completed calls.


call_uuid string

The unique identifier used to identify the call.

duration string

The duration of the call in seconds. This might be different from the bill_duration based on the billing interval of the prefix called.

from_number string

The number from which the calls were made.

to_number string

The destination number to which the call was made.

trunk_id string

Unique ID of the trunk on which the call was made.

trunk_domain string

The unique name of the trunk.

region string

The regional server through which the call went.

bill_duration optional

The duration for which the call was billed in seconds. This might be different from the duration based on the billing interval of the prefix called.

end_time optional

The timestamp when the call ended.

call_direction string

Indicates whether the call was outbound or inbound.

hangup_initiator optional

The source for the call hangup. Refer to our list of hangup causes and sources.

hangup_cause optional

The reason for the call hangup. Refer to our list of hangup causes and sources. Refer to our list of hangup causes and sources.

rate integer

The per-minute rate charged based on the destination number.

initiation_time string

The timestamp when the call was initiated.

answer_time string

The timestamp when the call was answered.

from_country string

The call origination country.

to_counrty string

The call destination country.

transport_protocol string

The protocol used to transport the media.

srtp boolean

If connection made was srtp or RTP.

secure_trunking string

The rate associated for secure trunking

secure_trunking_rate string

If Secure Trunking is enabled: Zentrunk will communicate with your PBX or SBC over TLS for Signaling.

If Secure Trunking is disabled: The calls will be over TCP/UDP for Signaling.

stir_verification optional

For outbound calls: Gives details about the attestation assigned to the call by Plivo

For inbound calls: Gives details about the attestation received on the inbound call to your Plivo phone number.

Allowed values:

  • Verified means the call is from a verified caller who has authorized access to the customer’s caller ID, and hence should be treated with confidence. Verified is equivalent to attestation level A.
  • Not Verified means that, for this call, either the caller is not verified, or it’s uncertain whether they have access to the caller ID used, or both. Not Verified means the call received attestation level B or C.
  • Not Applicable means STIR/SHAKEN doesn’t apply to this call, as would be the case if a call is not addressed to a US number or if it’s a cloud call (WebRTC or SIP).

Read more about STIR/SHAKEN here.

hangup_code integer

The integer code for the hangup cause. Refer to our list of hangup causes and sources.

total_amount integer

The total amount charged for the call.

Example Object

      "call_uuid": "6c3a8b60-26e0-4842-9387-2350de79f16b",
      "bill_duration": 7200,
      "trunk_id": "126041xxxx",
      "end_time": "2022-05-26 13:32:37",
      "from_number": 552135006716,
      "to_number": 12604109832,
      "call_direction": "outbound",
      "duration": 28,
      "hangup_cause": "normal_hangup",
      "hangup_initiator": "customer",
      "rate": 0.318,
      "total_amount": 0.318,
      "initiation_time": "2022-05-26 13:32:06",
      "answer_time": "2022-05-26 13:32:09",
      "trunk_domain": "",
      "region": "us-east-1",
      "from_country": "BR",
      "to_country": "US",
      "transport_protocol": "udp",
      "srtp": false,
      "hangup_code": 3010,
      "secure_trunking": true,
      "secure_trunking_rate": 0,
      "stir_verification": "Not Verified"