
Integrately is a one-click application integration platform that supports Plivo integrations, so you can connect Plivo with other applications to create complex workflows.

To start using Plivo with Integrately, you’ll need

  1. An Integrately account
  2. Your Plivo Auth ID and Auth Token: You can find your Plivo Auth ID and Auth Token on the overview page of the Plivo console. Find Your Auth Credentials on Plivo Console
  3. A Plivo number (optional): You must have an SMS-enabled Plivo phone number to send SMS messages to numbers in the US and Canada. Purchase numbers from the Phone Numbers page of the Plivo console, or by using the PhoneNumber API. Buy a New Plivo Number

Supported triggers

You can trigger an integration when

  • you receive an SMS message on your Plivo number
  • you receive a call on your Plivo number

Supported actions

When a Plivo integration is triggered, you can

  • send an SMS message
  • make a voice call

If you’re using a Plivo trial account, you can send messages and make calls only to verified sandboxed numbers.

Report any feedback or problems with this integration by contacting the Plivo support team.

Example automation

You can create an automation to send an SMS message when a row is updated in a Google Sheet.

  • Go to the Integrately Store, click on the “+” sign, and add the Google Sheets app next to Plivo. Add Google sheets app with Plivo app
  • From the “1-Click integrations found” section, select “When Row is created in Google Sheets, send Message via Plivo” and click Install. Select the send SMS via Plivo action for a new row updated in sheets
  • On the next screen, click Yes, Install to load the automation.
  • Connect your Google account and your Plivo account using valid authentication credentials. Connect your Google account and Plivo account
  • Select the Google Sheet name and Spreadsheet name for which you wish to implement the automation.
  • Fill in the source number, destination number, and text to send.
  • Click Test & Go Live to test your automation.

More 1-click Automations