Latest Legacy

The Application object


answer_url string

On receiving an incoming call on a number of an endpoint attached to an Application, Plivo sends a request to the answer_url with the attributes of the call. We expect a valid Plivo XML response to be returned to the request Plivo makes.

answer_method string

The HTTP method to be used to request the answer_url when an incoming call is answered on the number or the endpoint attached to the application.

app_name string

A friendly name for your Plivo application.

default_app boolean

Specifies whether this is the default app.

enabled boolean

Set to true if the application is enabled.

fallback_answer_url string

Plivo requests this URL with the same parameters sent to the answer_url when the answer_url returns a non 200 HTTP status code.

fallback_answer_method string

The HTTP method to be used to request the fallback_answer_url when the answer_url returns a non 200 HTTP status code.

hangup_url string

If the incoming call is hung up on a number or an endpoint attached to the application, Plivo will send a request to the hangup_url with the attributes of the call.

hangup_method string

The HTTP method to be used to request the hangup_url when an incoming call is hung up on the number or the endpoint attached to the application.

message_url string

If an incoming message (SMS) is received to a number attached to the application, Plivo will make a request to the message_url with the parameters documented here.

message_method string

The HTTP method to be used to request the message_url when an incoming message (SMS) is received on the number attached to the application.

public_uri boolean

Set to true if the application can be called from an external SIP service. By default the application is not public, and external SIP services cannot call your application SIP URI.

sip_uri string

The SIP URI of the application. All Plivo applications can be called directly without attaching them to a number or an endpoint. When an incoming call is received on this URI, Plivo follows the same flow as it does with a number or an endpoint.

subaccount string

The subaccount associated with the application. If the application belongs to the main account, this field will be null.

log_incoming_messages boolean

This flag controls whether incoming messages to phone numbers associated with the Application are logged in Plivo systems. When set to false, message content is not logged in any Plivo system, including the debug logs visible on the console. Additionally, the last three digits of the from number are redacted in all system logs and in the Message Detail Record (MDR). The default value of this parameter is true.