Node.js SDK

The Plivo Node.js SDK makes it simpler to integrate voice and SMS communications into your Node.js applications using the Plivo REST APIs. Using the SDK, you’ll be able to make voice calls, send SMS messages, and generate Plivo XML documents to control your call flows.


Install the SDK using npm.

$ npm install plivo

If you have the 0.4.1 version (a.k.a. legacy) already installed, you may have to first uninstall it before installing the new version.

For features in beta, install the beta branch:

$ npm install plivo@beta

Getting started


To make the API requests, you need to create a Client and provide it with authentication credentials, which you can find on the Overview page of the Plivo console.

We recommend that you store your credentials in the PLIVO_AUTH_ID and the PLIVO_AUTH_TOKEN environment variables, to avoid the possibility of accidentally committing them to source control. If you do this, you can initialize the client with no arguments and it will automatically fetch them from the environment variables:

let plivo = require('plivo');
let client = new plivo.Client();

Alternatively, you can specifiy the authentication credentials while initializing the Client.

let plivo = require('plivo');
let client = new plivo.Client('<auth_id>', '<auth_token>');

The basics

The SDK uses consistent interfaces to create, retrieve, update, delete, and list resources. The pattern is:

client.resources.create(name,params); // Create
client.resources.get(id); // Get
client.resources.update(params); // Update
client.resources.delete(id); // Delete
client.resources.list({limit:5,offset:0}); // List all resources, max 20 at a time

Using client.resources.list() would list the first 20 resources by default (the first page, with limit as 20, and offset as 0). Use limit and offset to get more page of resources.


Send a message

let plivo = require('plivo');
let client = new plivo.Client();

    src: '<caller_id>',
    dst: '<destination_number>',
    text: 'Hello, world!'
}).then(function(message_created) {

Replace the auth placeholders with your authentication credentials from the Plivo console. Replace the phone number placeholders with actual phone numbers in E.164 format (for example, +12025551234).

Make a call

let plivo = require('plivo');
let client = new plivo.Client();

).then(function(call_created) {

Generate Plivo XML

let plivo = require('plivo');
let response = new plivo.Response();
let speak_body = "Hello, world!";


This generates the XML code:

  <Speak>Hello, world!</Speak>

Run a PHLO

var plivo = require('../dist/rest/client.js');
var PhloClient = plivo.PhloClient;

var authId = '<auth_id>';
var authToken = '<auth_token>';
var phloId = '<phlo_id>';
var phloClient = phlo = null;

// Run phlo
phloClient = new PhloClient(authId, authToken);
phloClient.phlo(phloId).run().then(function (result) {
console.log('Phlo run result', result);
}).catch(function (err) {
console.error('Phlo run failed', err);

Replace the auth placeholders with your authentication credentials from the Plivo console. Replace the phlo_id placeholder with your PHLO ID from the Plivo console. Replace the phone number placeholders with actual phone numbers in E.164 format (for example, +12025551234).

More examples

Refer to the Plivo API Reference documentation for more examples. Also refer to our guide to setting up a dev environment for details on how to set up an Express server and expose the server to the internet.

Example response

  apiId: '2be67606-940f-11ea-88ec-0242ac110006',
  message: 'call fired',
  requestUuid: 'c9d707ea-2f1b-4223-b398-cbc535477871'

Reporting issues

Report feedback or problems with this SDK by opening an issue on GitHub.